我們的信仰綱領 Our Creed

基恩之家的信仰綱要 :


祂按自己形像,創造多元眾生,視之為美好,使所有性別、種族、階級、年齡的人, 可藉著愛和公義,得享豐盛生命。

我們相信耶穌基督,神的愛子。 因祂的降生、捨身與復活,我們得到釋放和更新。 因著祂的愛,我們關心和服侍他人。


我們相信教會的使命, 是要彰顯愛和公義, 讓人與神復和, 讓我們彼此相愛、相通和接納。



這是我們的宣告。 阿們

We believe in God, the Almighty Creator.
 God makes life of diversity in God’s own image, and deems everyone good.
 People of all sexualities, races, classes, and ages shall live abundantly with love and justice.

We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Beloved Son.
Through His birth, sacrifice, and resurrection, we are liberated and renewed.
Since He loves us, we care and serve each other.

We believe in the Holy Spirit. The Spirit lives among us, and proves we are part of God’s family.
The Spirit is our comforter and source of power. We bear the fruit of the Spirit, live in truth, and be the light and salt of the world.

We believe the Church is for fostering love and justice in the world and bringing people to God. We love, join in communion, and accept each other.

We believe the Bible is inspired by God and is a human response to the experience of God. The Bible teaches us how to live in love and justice.

We believe every believer is a priest. We are Christ’s body and co-create the Kingdom culture.

This we believe.